Dashbot added new functionality to activity metric reports that enables enterprises to compare metrics over different time intervals.

Want to see how this year’s holiday season compared to last? or compare May’s data vs January’s? Dashbot’s new comparison feature is for you.

Simply, select Compare to past from a report, choose a corresponding date range, and historical data will appear along side the currently selected data.

page image This new feature is currently available on our Users, Sessions, Message Count, Lifetime Users, and Sentiment reports.

About Dashbot

Dashbot is an analytics platform for conversational interfaces that enables enterprises to increase engagement, satisfaction, and conversion through actionable insights and tools.

In addition to traditional metrics like engagement and retention, we provide chatbot specific analytics including NLP response effectiveness, sentiment analysis, conversation flows, and the full chat session transcripts.

We also have tools to take action on the data, like our NLP Optimization tools, Phrase Clustering, NLP Assessments, and Live Person Take Over of chat sessions.

We support Alexa, Google Assistant, Web Chat, SMS, Facebook Messenger, Slack, Twitter, Bixby, and any other conversational interface.